Saturday 12 December 2009

Two things

The first thing: On the ongoing subject of the dock weeds growing in great profusion in our newly grassed fields. And my dilemma is this: if the seeds from these plants can be used for grinding into flour, and if the leaves in spring can be used in salads, and if the roots are also of use in cooking and holistic remedies, should I be digging them up with the intent to burn them? What is the distinction between seeing a plant as a weed to be got rid of, or a possible supplement to the kitchen larder?

But the docks are strong growers, threatening to make the fields into dock-pasture rather than grass-pasture. So what to do!

My conclusion is this: Dig up the big docks. Leave the baby docks. Sheep should be on the fields next year and they should be able to keep the young docks in check so they don't become the prime pasture plant. If any of those plants shoot up a flower head which provides seeds, then these I shall harvest. Good plan, don't you think? Now all I have to do is go out and dig those parent plants up and get them sent to heaven.

The second thing: I have started up another blog called The Writing Pathway. It came into my mind that perhaps I could pass on the learning I have acquired in regards to getting a book written and self published so that others might feel encouraged to do the same. It is a long process, fraught with frustration at every turn, but oh what a feeling of achievement when one has one's book in one's hands. No matter that no-one has bought it because the sense of achievement is awesome.

And an update: side field now partially with the fencing wire. Roof almost completed. One thermal vest, two t shirts, two fleeces, one sleeveless fleece, one wrap, two pairs of socks, two pairs of trousers plus thermal 'long johns', but no heating on because I can't be bothered to switch on the fire. This is what I wearing at the moment: obviously it has got colder! Freezing fog is the mode of weather at the moment, which evaporates mid day to give us an afternoon of sunshine. Then I have to unpeel myself from the layers because I get overheated! Ah the joys of living close to the mountains in SW France whereby the temperature can go from very cold to very hot all in a few hours!

Lots of English are going back to the UK now. Not us. We are here to stay. So gathering to myself my fork, my bucket, my two pals Bools and Gus, I am off to try and put my wellies on prior to another parent-dock attack. Bending over to get those wellies on is a task indeed when one has so many clothes cluttering up one's physical movements!

Hoping your day goes well, and is full of interesting moments, saying au revoir pour ce momente.


DUTA said...

Hi Vera,
I've been kind of busy lately as we are celebrating Hanukkah holiday, but I'm going to have a look at your new blog and learn about your book. It's great to have a published book.

As for your dilemma with the dock weeds, I think you could find help on the Web, in specfic forums.

Good night!

Vera said...

Have already researched the Web, Duta, in regards to the docks - can't use herbicides because of the sheep going on next year, so manual work it has to be. Good for the weight though!
Hope your Hanukkah holiday goes well. I am going to have a look on the Web to see what that actually is. Meanwhile, blessings for a peaceful holiday.

TheChicGeek said...

Hello Vera :) I have missed you! Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you with the docks! How neat when the sheep come to enjoy :))
Looks as though all is going beautifully! I will check out your book and new blog! Good for you! You really are a wonder :)

Good to visit you here again. I always love reading about your adventures :)
Hugs :)

Vera said...

Glad you are back and in full voice again after your recent rest. Keep posting - you are one of my favourites. x

prashant said...

As for your dilemma with the dock weeds, I think you could find help on the Web, in specfic forums.

Work from home India

Vera said...

Hello Prashant, and many thanks for your offer of help, but I think I will persevere with 'Plan A' which is to dig some up and cut some down!

Barry said...

According to my 91 year old mother, the difference between a plant and a weed is that plants grow where you want them to and weeds don't.

Vera said...

How true, Barry! I quite agree with your mother - in the patch of ground which is supposed to be a garden I have left anything growing which has lovely shape and form, apart from thistles and brambles which go silly and take over. I actually quite like the shape and form of docks, but not in our fields because they are so rampant and will smother the grass eventually. Loved your todays post about the donations of dinners by the way. Love to you and Linda.

Land of shimp said...

I suppose if you have no plans to grind the flour, etc. then to you it is just a weed? I mean, if a thing can be used for something, but there are no plans to use it for that specific thing, or ways to do it, I suppose its purpose is rather conceptual, rather than actual.

Vera said...

Well yes, L of S, I suppose you are right, only we do have plans to grind seed for flour in the future, but the large contingent of docks has arrived ahead of schedule hence the compromise of pulling up some and using those that escape, of which there will be a humungously large number, to grind up into flour. I suspect that this will be quite a project! Nice to connect with you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by recently. I thought I'd follow your example.

I didn't realise a lot of people were returning to the UK. I appreciated it a lot more upon leaving, but I'm still not in any rush to return.

Vera said...

Nor us, Matthew. I think if you want to make a new life then you have to be bold and close the door to the old life. But so many English here try to live as if they are still in the UK, and I think that those are people who have become seduced by the dream which the TV programmes have fed them. It is those who are going back. I am not! Thanks for popping in. You are a lovely writer.

French Fancy... said...

Hello, found you on Completely Alienne's blog and thought I'd pop over and make my mark. Couldn't agree more about most of the expats - we stay away from most of them with their Little Englander ways.

Vera said...

Glad somebody else does the same as us - we avoid most British here, finding them either arrogant or needy. Although we are probably the 'worst off' in terms of living accomodation, we find that everyone has a tendency to want things from us, which we think odd. Or else they look down on us because their houses are all 'done up' and treat us with arrogance. Therefore, we avoid! Nice to have met you, and am popping over to have a look at your blog.