Well, it being May 1st,
we are going to be outside in a field,
playing music with Etceltera,
that is what we are doing
on Sunday May 1st.
And this morning, the last day of April,
we opened the doors to go outside to cut grass for the pigs and cows,
and it was horrid,
large winds, sleeting sharp showers,
and a chilliness in the wind which said
'Best stay indoors today'.
And I thought of how it might be tomorrow,
when we stand in a field playing music,
if those winds blow,
(and away into the wind will go the sheet music)
and a sleety shower happens along,
( now that will mess the electric sound system up )
and if the chilliness persists,
( not too worried about that, I am still in winter thermals )
And so why are we doing this gig,
and I use the word 'gig' with relish.
We are not a celeb band,
and probably never will be with me playing in it,
so no Wembley Stadium for us,
but we are going to be playing in a field,
and that is good enough for me.
And so why are we doing this gig?
I am not sure.
I know the band will get fed,
and I know that there will be hand crafting people there,
spinners and such like,
and that sheep will get sheared,
and that there is a market of local food producers,
so I suppose it will be a country fair type of venue,
and that will do for me,
because we shall be playing for the people coming along.
Estang, France,
on the
1st May 2016
there will be a
Journeé du mouton
( Day of the Sheep)
Tonte des moutons a partir de 10h
( Shearing of the sheep to start at 10am )
Marché des producteurs
( Farmers' Market )
Métiers anciens
( Old crafts )
Restauration a base de mouton
( Couldn't translate that!)
Annulation en cas d'intempéries
( Cancellation of bad weather)
Hope this 'all over the place' weather calms down.
Hope we are able to play.
I think it will be celebration of local country life.
It will be good to share this life,
which is slowly being eroded by the onward march of consumerism.
Hope to see you there,
but wear sturdy shoes,
it is an 'open air in a field' type of venue after all!
but wear sturdy shoes,
it is an 'open air in a field' type of venue after all!
Bye for now,