Saturday, 21 December 2019

A morning chat about right thinking.....

Chatting about winds, floods, phobias, fedupness, and generally cheering myself up!

The video is about twenty minutes long, and I thought I would share it with you.

Bye for now,



Denise said...

Thank you, Vera! Your comment about remembering why we asked to come here in the first place has helped me make a big decision because I thought about it, and I remembered! xx

Vera said...

DENISE; so pleased the video was of help to you. Vx

DUTA said...

I've enjoyed your video chat, Vera! You're good!
I'm afraid of winds and floodings too, from childhood.
Perhaps it's better that you live in the south of France. UK is an island, and the climate experts prophesize bad outcome for islands in the new era of climate change.
Let's hope they're wrong.

Vera said...

DUTA: Thank you so much for your kind comment. I love living in the south of France because I like having the feeling of living in Europe itself. I found living the UK somehow confining!