Friday, 30 January 2015

Jammed Door!

The hole in the wall has now been filled with cement and the door. At least the wind does not howl through with such a blast, which is a good thing because last night we were under orange alert for 100 km/h gusts of wind, which is not good and might have meant the wind whistling through with such force that we became all lifted up and taken away in the night time sky. Ok, Ok, I know that is an exaggeration but we have a fear of the wind after being stuck in the eye of a hurricane the first winter we were here. Being buffeted about in the caravan by fearsomely strong winds has left us rather fragile when it comes to wind. ( the eating of our harvest of artichokes a couple of years ago also left us fragile in the wind department, but that's another story.)

Not to worry. All was well. Our builder did the work, and got the hole in the wall shuttered for cement, the rest of the space being filled in with the door. My oh my but that door looks huge......

.......but Lester said it was an external door so would be bigger than the size of the indoor doors, but that it was a good job that it was on the wide side because then we can get big things in and out of the house. Presumably he does not mean the mini tractor which is parked just outside this door.......

I have been dawdling with doing things in the house. I always feel unsettled when we are having work done on the house. But I did go shopping, which is quite something for me to do nowadays because Lester is the one who is out and about and so picks up things from the supermarket as needed. It felt quite strange to be travelling faster than my normal walking pace, and it felt quite weird seeing the world go by so fast, and even faster when I got to third gear. Just kidding. But I need to get out and about a little bit more. I don't want to go doddery with my driving skills until I am heading up to the 100 year old mark. 

Lester and our builder are off to Tarbes today to get the pipe work for the Rayburn. Looks like they will be starting plumbing it in next week. Crikey, just 'crikey'. I shall try not to worry about them doing the work. I shall engage my head with doing other things. I shall ask the Universe to give me a project all of my own, hopefully something to do with writing. I have been waiting for inspiration for ages. It has not been forth coming. Perhaps today a spark will be ignited, and streaming out will come the words, but for the last nine months I have suffered writer's constipation.

Bonny is with calf. Six weeks since her last season, so it looks like all is go. Twin lambs born yesterday, that makes five in total so far. Shame that the lambs are starting to arrive just as the wet season arrives as well. But it is nice to see the youngsters arrive. We missed having them around last year due to the demise of our ram the year before. But this ram looks like he has done his job, and out the lambs are popping. 

Off to get some breakfast, so bye for now. 



John Going Gently said...

Keep warm and safe
It's rough here too

Diane said...

The weather here is horrible so Hope yours is better. Glad that hole is not a hole any more :-)

Good to hear the breeding problem is going well. Take care Diane

The Broad said...

One step at a time, everything seems to be coming right along! I totally sympathise with what you have written about wind -- having been buffeted about a bit lately myself! It's hard to believe, but one day you will look back on all your renovations and building worries and hardly believe it ever happened! Good thing you will have plenty of photographs to remember!!!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

oh no! are you getting our big storm? some of my friends got almost 2 feet of snow! ugh. stay warm!

Tim said...

" Presumably he does not mean the mini tractor which is parked just outside this door......."....
'Tis odd you should say that...
when you first remarked that you didn't know how Lester was going to get it back out...
my thoughts turned to the large hole in the wall!!

Rosaria Williams said...

Always a pleasure reading about your busy life. Actually, I get a bit jealous too.

Vera said...

John, hope you stay safe and warm as well.

Diane, the weather seems to have calmed down now and we are off orange alert. Hope you stay safe and warm as well.

The Broad, you are right about the photos.. they do help remind us of how far we have come.

OhioFarmGirl, I am still chuckling about from your recent blog! We don't get snow here even though we are only 45 minutes away from the Pyrenees, thank goodness. Mud is mad enough, but to mix that in with snow / slush would just be too much to cope with. Hope you stay tucked up and warm.

Tim, you were thinking ahead of me! But Lester is definitely not going to use that door as part of his 'let's get the tractor out of the barn' project when spring arrives!

Rosaria, and I could be a bit jealous of yours as well sometimes!

Tim said...

Possibly not really for publishing here, this comment...
you wrote...
"a project all of my own, hopefully something to do with writing. I have been waiting for inspiration for ages."

Is it not staring you in the face...
you have a very good book in the pages of this blog.

All it needs is....
and I use that terrible word...
and joining up into chapters.
Yes, I am aware that there are lots of "renovation abroad" books out there...
but they seem to sell...
from those of us who are "as mad as a box of frogs"...
to those who might not want to go scatty in the wilds of this country or that...
but will happily read about it on their Kindle or tablet...
and imagine themselves there...
doing it...
those who need that final jerk into...
"HEY! I can do that!"

And, as it is material that has been published...
you've got hints, tips and things learnt from fellow bloggers to build in...
and a wealth of photos to draw upon.
I would say, that you are more than two-thirds of the way there already...
you just need to create a set of bedspreads from the little bits of fabric of your blog...
by cutting them to shape and stitching matching colours together to make a whole...
and self-publish.
There is a good PC Pro article here;
[ ]
which basically says...
don't expect a fortune...
don't expect an income...
but you can generate a reward or two!
Boney chancer!!