Wednesday, 7 January 2015


And so the Rayburn is in place!
And it took two men to shift it,
although there were supposed to be two more, but they were still in bed,
so their Dad fetched up with his friend,
arriving just as Lester and our builder were lifting the Rayburn off the trolley,
so at least there was some help at the end.

No floor tiles were broken.
The trolley worked fantastically well.
The Rayburn remained intact and undamaged throughout.
The only mild problem was me, 
because I couldn't stop dithering around,
trying to be of help,
but, in truth, probably getting in the way!

The chimney pipes are now being put in,
and it is up through the roof today or tomorrow,
depending whether it rains or not.

The Rayburn has a presence in the kitchen already.
It is small in comparison to the Smeg range cooker,
but it oozes a sort of power.
Long way off to having it working though,
but at least the hallway is clear,
and the Rayburn is in its forever place,
and I am relieved that all went well.

Meanwhile, I do not mess my head up with wondering about what kitchen cupboards to buy,
whether to have free standing or fixed units,
shelves or cupboards,
I find my head focussing on where to put my chair
 so I can have a warm up when the Rayburn is finally operational!



Elizabeth at Eiffel Tells said...

I've got Rayburn envy! There is a perfect spot for a Rayburn in My French Folly, but unfortunately I have to spend money on dismantling my new kitchen and then re building it correctly (from the ground up) thanks to the efforts of a cowboy builder from the UK who resides in Burgundy with his equally deceptive wife.
Best wishes for a successful renovation and a great 2015.

northsider said...

It looks great Vera. Will you be attaching a water pump and radiators to the Rayburn?

Kev Alviti said...

Yey! Well done. I bet you're pleased to see it in place!

Ohiofarmgirl said...

yay!! i'm so thrilled! it is so exciting to see your progress. and to see where you put your chair. hurray!

The Squirrel Family said...

Hoorays its all coming together, be a shame not to have a chair next to it . we have a stanley and I hate it and wish it was an AGA

Vera said...

Elizabeth, oh dear, English 'builders'! Sorry to hear that you had problems with them, as we, too, have had!

Dave, yes, ......somehow! Got to read the instructions to figure out how to do so!

Kev, we are coming along nicely!

OFG, two chairs....because Lester has also requested a chair by the Rayburn as well!

The Squirrel Family, oh dear, shame you don't like your Stanley. Perhaps you will be able to get an Aga sometime soon.

Tim said...

Well done...
that looks one heavy beasty.
As for where to put a seat...
between the Rayburn and the door looks to be just the right place for an old, comfy, two-seater settee.

A place I used to holiday at in Scotland had just such an arrangement...
and the lady of the house had one of those adjustable height, hospital bed tables...
and all the cutting, peeling, podding and similar tedious, repetitive jobs were done from HER settee!!
It needs to be a settee to take the container of unprocessed veg, or whatever where a second person would sit!

Horst in Edmonton said...

Your Rayburn looks great in place, you will really enjoy cooking with it. These wooden stoves are great for Baking.

Mizumatte said...

oh glad to read the raiburn came to it' place without bigger trouble, well yes I think there is place for both of you, maybe you should buy a loveseat. take care Jaana

Vera said...

Horst, I am looking forward to cooking on the stove, but will probably singe a lot of food before I can say that I have mastered it!

Vera said...

Jaana, good idea!

Vera said...

Tim, I was thinking that between the door and the Rayburn would be a good place for the chairs. We do have a small settee which needs to find a home, but I think that is slightly too wide, which is a shame, on the other hand it is big enough to have a nap on, so perhaps not a good idea to have in the kitchen! Singed food is what I am envisaging as I take a snooze while cooking dinner!

ally said...

One more step along the way! I have a fifty year old Aga in Yorkshire where I love to sit and knit. I can see you doing the same!

Kerry said...

Looking good. I have the same dilemma, fitted or free standing kitchen. So many of the new ones are very glossy, not my cup of tea at all. Fancy something more rustic x

Vera said...

Ally: Sorry, I got confused and posted your comment onto the next blog page thinking that Blogger had got a headache! But I do envisage cosying up to that Rayburn when it is eventually lit!

Kerry, aren't the new glossy kitchens awful! I would have to be endlessly having to polish the units to keep them shining! No, not for me either, so am going for a cobbled together look, which means bits and pieces, all non matching!