Thursday 15 October 2009

Oh...., and my aching back.

Mmmm. Well. Gussy booked in for The Op. October 22nd. There. Done it! Got back from Plaisance to find a worried and irate Hubs. "Gus has gone missing again. So has Fleur. We (Bruno and Hubs) think that she has taken him off. I'm so sorry" he said, "Only I know I promised to keep an eye on him and I did and when the builders went off for lunch I blocked up the back entrance as usual, went into the office to do some work, went back out again ten minutes later and no Gus." Apparently he had pushed open the two old doors put across the entrance and had gone.

Hubs was oh so worried, but I wasn't. I seemed to have become quite fatalistic of late, and as far as Gus is concerned: we are doing our best for him and that is that. If he is meant to return to us he will. If he isn't then he won't.

Half an hour later: message from Bruno. Fleur back and with Gus. Hubs gets the lead to go fetch him. Bools goes too. Part of the team, he doesn't like being left out.

A while later, back they all come. "Bools has just been on top of Fleur" Hubs says.
"What, properly on top?"
"Yes, all the way in."
"Oh." Taking a minute to digest this info, I turn to Bools, "Oh well done you," I say to my brave Springer "It's been a long time coming!".
And I think of the hundreds of times that Fleur has flirted and flaunted with Boolie and then sat down on her rump so he ends up with a scrambled head. And I am so glad that he managed to have a go. He is deserving.

Oh. So Gussy. Obviously he has been wanting to get over to Bruno's because Fleur is in season. So we can't really get cross at Gus because he is doing what comes naturally, and that is following his instincts to procreate. But the problem is that he picked up Fleur's availability before Bools did, which means that he is more likely to pick up any other female dog's availability as well and be off. We can't have that. So: October 22nd it is.

And so? Possiblement uno problemo. Is Fleur now pregnant? If so by which of our two boys? Or both? And if so, should we assume responsible ownership of our boys and help out with any vet bills? Is it our fault? But then Bruno comes trotting over here with Fleur following. And she has been such a tease, particularly with Bools. Not so much with Gus. Mostly she has snapped at him in temper. But with Bools, well .........

Taking a moment to give you a roof update. Half tiled!

re: 'My aching back': Actually it isn't aching now but it was for a couple of days. The reason was that in an attempt to wear Gussy out and stop him from roaming over to see Fleur, I have been walking the boys for at least two hours every morning. This is the fifth morning. We have found some splendid new paths to explore, but oh how my body has been complaining.

Leg aches: which I counteract by walking for twenty steps with the right leg leading and taking my weight, and the left one then being able to rest, and then twenty steps with the left leg leading and right one resting. Works perfectly. Counting the steps is good for relaxing my mind, and my tendency towards excrutiating leg pains has diminished. Back ache: Crikey but for two days my back was sore, but I kept on walking finding that swinging my arms as if jogging made me loosen up my waist movement. Et Voila! Today: no back pain. Wet feet because the grass was so wet, but no pain!

And marvel of marvels! I seem to be able to keep going during the day without feeling as if I am wading through treacle for some of the time. My head feels clearer, and I feel generally more chilled out both mentally and physically.

Things I have learnt: That it is not clever to say to oneself 'I haven't got time to take a long walk because I have this to do or that to do.' What nonsense! Because I have found that taking a two hour walk makes me more active during the day, therefore I can actually do more.

Things I have learnt: That walking to a rythm clears the mind, reduces stress, and has a feel good factor so high that it is almost addictive. Take this morning, for instance. Wasn't going to be out for long as had to go into Plaisance. Fifteen minutes down the lane, then out into the maize fields, then on into the woods and I was hooked. Two hours later we were done.

Things I have learnt: That making the effort to take exercise can be tiring on the body at first, but when one has a little doggy called Gus who one is trying to keep occupied so he stays home, then one has to make the effort to do the two hour's worth of walking. And that that little doggy called Gussy has become quite a blessing. Most of the time. But October 22nd still stays.

I suppose Fleur, Bools and Gus all had a good day one way or another. I will keep you posted as to whether there is the patter of tiny feet.

If you greet the day with a smile, then the day will smile back at you.x


Barry said...

I call my dog my "Personal Fitness Instructor" because she will not let me get away without taking her for a long walk in the morning.

She is a springer and needs the exercise or else she is a wired pain through out the day.

Vera said...

Can absolutely agree with the 'wired pain' bit, Barry. I think springers are the best dog going, but are also high maintenance. If Boolie gets bored then he has several different ways of letting me know that he needs to be doing something more interesting than watching me work on my PC, including the huffs and puffs and long suffering sighs.
And now Gussy, our young cocker spaniel who is similar. But those long walks are doing me the power of good, as I suspect your long walk are as well. So God bless our spaniels!

TheChicGeek said...

Hello Vera :D
So nice to visit you. I am always smiling when I read your posts. Your page looks different. Did you change the color of it? It looks lovely. Your pups are soooooo cute! How fun if you have the patter of some more little feet. Life is a miracle and you certainly know how to live and is so wonderful to see :)
See you when I get back from vacation :D

Don't work too hard, Vera!
Happy Day!
Big Hug :D

PhilipH said...

What a refreshing post Vera. Really lovely to read. I could almost see those dogs!

Walking: probably the most natural and best ways of keeping in trim. I enjoy strolling in the fields or woods. Sometimes I'm allowed to take Flossie for a walk. She is a lovely elderly border collie; and this breed is very intelligent too I think.

Cheers, Phil

Vera said...

Hi PhilipH, thanks for your kind words. I agree with you in that walking is the best way to stay in trim not only for the body but also for the mind. After an hour or so walking, my mind always feel stretched and rested.
Border collies are as intelligent as Springers, probably because they are working dogs. Hope Flossie gives you many more enjoyable walks and please give her a hug from me.

Renee said...

Oh beautiful Vera you are so wonderful and I don't think I have ever come here where I haven't smiled throughout the writing.

I just want you to know that all of my wednesdays women are made up, but I am so glad that you were strong and were able to leave.

Love Renee xoxo

TheChicGeek said...

Hi Vera :)

Just came by to give you a smile and a hug :) Hope your day is everything you wish it to be today!

Love to you, Vera :)

Land of shimp said...

Oh dear, oh dear! The Doggy Soap Opera unfolds! We need to have ominous organ music, and flashing lightning! "Will Gus and Fleur's affair have disastrous results? What of the doctor, and his potentially nefarious role? Tune in next time. As sand through the hourglass, so our the days of our dogs."

I just realized all of that will be meaningless to you if you've never had exposure to the thing it is parodying.

I don't think have a sense of acceptance about the limitations for what you can reasonably do for Gus is necessarily fatalistic. It's realistic. Realistic people have a tendency to recognize that which is out of their control.

I'm glad he was found, rather than lost, though :-)

Vera said...

Hi Renee, glad that I can make you smile. It means a lot to me that I can make people feel happy when reading my work. I never blog when feeling miserable, and never rant. And yes, I did leave, and eventually met my present Hubs after having spent years re-evaluating myself. So I think I am a round-about Wednesday's woman!Sending you blessings....

Vera said...

D: Sending you as much love back. Loved the picture of the man and the woman and the water. You must spend ages searching for the right pictures to use, and I much appreciate your efforts.

Vera said...

Hello L 0f S: Yes indeed, a doggy soap opera! But I never think things are 'out of my control', as there are always alternative routes to take. And I am glad Gus came our way, even though he has added to an already nerve-stretching time for us. But he makes us smile, and that is the greatest gift that any living being can give to another living being. Thanks for popping by.