Wednesday 4 February 2015

You know it's cold indoors when........

Time to get up and get the dogs out for their early morning pees & poos.
Opened the front door....

Rotweiller girls looked, went back to bed.
Boolie looked, did a quick tiddle up the flower pot, hurried back indoors.
I looked, thought 'Crikey, how did that happen'.
......and daylight half an hour later.....

And the geese confused at the white stuff,
their world not being how they left it when they went to bed last night.

..... chatting to each other about what the hell was going on...

....and the rottweiller girls, unsure ......

..... but soon romping ......

..... and the back field and our neighbour's house.....

You know its cold indoors when the olive oil starts to solidify.



Tim said...

I think you need to do a lot of...
the "stamping of the feets"...
the "ajumpin' up and down"...
just to warm yourself up!!

We actually had some snow here overnight...
well, a couple of centipedes worth...
made everything look clean tho'...

Keep warm, keep cosy...
wear Damart!!

rusty duck said...

(Love the geese...!)

Kerry said...

We woke up to white stuff too. Just love it, so pretty x

Ohiofarmgirl said...

our geese always have to have a big conversation about everything also. i think they are hilarious.

Vera said...

Tim, We do wear Damart! Wouldn't go through a winter without them. Not much stamping about though, more like snuggling up in a chair and trying not to shiver!

Jessica, re: your question 'Rayburn'? Would you be referring to the Rayburn which I have oft spoken about? The one which was in the hall for over a year and then got put into the kitchen recently? The Rayburn which is currently in sleeping mode, silent and tranquil with nary a whiff of smoke coming from out of its handsome pipe? Oh, THAT Rayburn!!!

Kerry, I sort of went past the prettiness of the snow this year... something to do with the freezing cold that came with it twinned by the open doors so our builder could go in and out the house! My house, I kid you not, had the coldness of an igloo!

OhioFarmGirl, We love the geese as well.... and I think we shall always have them on the farm, even if we never eat them or they stop giving us eggs because they make us smile so much!

The Broad said...

I expect the igloo would be warmer! I'm shivering just reading about it...

Vera said...

The Broad, it was a tad on the icy side indoors today....but we did keep the fire on in the half barn, so at least there was one space which was slightly higher than 0!

Mama Mess said...

I have to say, I seriously admire your fortitude, because I work in an unheated warehouse and I cannot put enough clothes on to not freeze. I actually have chillblains on my feet.....I couldn't imagine living without heat, and I can't wait for summer so my poor feet can heal! Stay warm!!

Niall & Antoinette said...

we had a dusting of snow and the wind remains from the NE giving us a high "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" factor here in the Loire too. Cats not pleased at the snowy conditions outside.
Take care and hope you can keep warm

Vera said...

The Goodwife, oh crikey, I so feel for you....I used to work in a factory and used to freeze for most of the winter, which perhaps was a good thing because it trained me to cope with the cold for when we came here! Hope your chilblains go soon.

Niall and Antoinette, snow on the way to melting now, so perhaps you will be lucky enough not to get any. But that wind is a bit naughty.....not to bad down here, but even the slightest NE breeze chills the bones. Not to worry, spring will soon be here. x