Thursday, 5 May 2011

Ploughing a furrow

With all the machinery on the farm unwell or dead, Hubs / Erstwhile Petit Fermier has suffered a despondency about getting things done here. He needed a lift to his spirits, and this had been given to him by the Plough Project.

With the tractor came the topper(which cuts the grass but is mortally wounded), and a fearsome looking cutting wheel (which has been donated to someone else). That left the half-plough, 'half' being because half of it had been cut off in its previous lifetime.

So: Sons visit, providing two extra pairs of hands plus some muscle power.

Now all that had to be done was get the plough up from the ground somehow:

And then aim certain things on the tractor to certain things on the plough.....

......which took some fiddling about and toing and froing of the tractor... 

.....meanwhile being supervised by the young apprentice........

......and by several family pow-wows.......

......and looking good for go.....

Et voila!

Well it seems to plough. Maybe not as efficiently as the super duper lumps of equipment that most of the farmers have around here, but at least it churns up the earth which means we can plant things. Whooppeeee!!!!

And thanking the helpers on that day who helped us take another step forward....


Diane said...

My connection is too slow here to watch the You Tube but it seems like you have successfully got something working. Well done. Diane

Vera said...

Thanks Diane. Having the tractor working has pushed us forward quite a big step.

DUTA said...

Well, well, now we see more action and more people. "The more the merrier"!
I'm particularly impressed by the apprentice and the red tractor. The videos are excellent!
Good Luck with the ploughing!

SueC said...

well done indeed - glad something is working for you

Vera said...

Ploughing is getting along a treat, Duta, and we are feeling quite uplifted by the sight of a small piece of our land having stonking great furrows in it!

Thanks, SueC, and Lester managed to squeeze some more life out of his rotovator which had him smiling all day!

Ken Devine said...

That was really good, Vera, but I hope the other equipment gets well soon or is miraculously replaced. Has Lester squeezed ALL of the life out of the rotovator now?

Vera said...

Ken, good news! Lester has managed to squeeze that old rotovator into life again after using some choice swear words and some string!

John Going Gently said...

family pics like theseare wonderfully moving!

Vera said...

John, they really are in more ways than one!

malissataylor-saks said...

I love reading about your incredible life and I even feel a little green... Wow, wow, wow!

Vera said...

Hi Malissa: Nice to hear from you, and perhaps you could manage a visit someday soon!