Tuesday, 24 December 2013

A veggie Christmas?

So I asked Lester, "What meat would you like to have on Christmas Day? You can have pork, rabbit, chicken, lamb, mutton, or goat."
He said, "I don't fancy any meat, just some roast potatoes will do, and an omelette".
So has Lester turned veggie all of a sudden. No. It is just that we have been full on with other things, most of which include reducing of the numbers of our animals, either through failing health, infertility, or by selection. Since it does not seem to be appropriate to go into exactly what has been eating up our time and has made us go off meat for the time being, I shall leave that for after Christmas. When we have been working with the insides of our animals we do go through a couple of days of no meat eating. It is just unfortunate that Christmas has parked itself where it has. Oh you could say that we could have left the meat task to after Christmas, but no we couldn't, because we have just had the most glorious weather for the last month, so we had to take the opportunity to do what we needed to do before the weather closed down on us.

However, last night we did go to a Christmas party at a friend's house, whereupon Christmas music was played live. It was fun, although home to bed by 11pm. No late nighters any more. Cow to milk. Animals to feed. But at least for a few hours we were immersed in the festive spirit, with Christmas tree glittering, lights twinkling, and wine flowing.

But we do have wine here. And we do have a lovely branch of holly complete with loads of bright red berries, and we have a teensy weensy pile of presents, two in total, sent from the UK by Denise over at Much Malarkey Manor (see side bar), who thought that we should not escape the pleasure of opening Chrissie prezzies. (Sorry D. The third prezzie was opened up and eaten by himself on his birthday a few days ago because there had been no time to make him a birthday cake). So we have a smidgeon of Christmas, albeit tiny.

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas.

And I hope that the time between Christmas and the start of the new year is filled with reflections about what you have achieved, that you let go of what you didn't manage to get done, and that you allow yourself to feel optimistic for the coming year.

Am off to make himself a cup of tea and toast, and myself also the same. Then off outside to enjoy our animals and whatever else the day brings.



John Going Gently said...

Have a peaceful time Vera x

Niall & Antoinette said...

Wishing you and yours a happy Christmas. Hope you aren't getting blown away. So far so good up here in central France - just one brief power cut.

rusty duck said...

Happy Christmas both.
Looking forward to following your adventures again in the New Year. Jx

Denise said...

Merry Christmas, Vera and Lester. Xx

Diane said...

Hope you have a good day and all the animals behave. Wishing you all the very best, cheers N & D

Vera said...

Jessica, Denise, and Diane, thank you all, and wishing you the best of days tomorrow. Vx

Horst in Edmonton said...

Merry Christmas from Canada. Vera, I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Vera said...

Thanks Horst. I hope that you are well and in good spirits, and that you are enjoying your new camera. Vx

Janice said...

Merry Christmas! Hope you nd the animals all behaved and you are having a lovely somewhat restful day.

Tommo said...

I too am a big fan of omelette and chips. Come to think of it, I think I'll have it ce soir. Hope you had a jolly Noel and all t'best for 2014.