And, joy of joys, I did not become interred beneath the tarps in the tall barn.(Yesterday's blog) Instead, me and Hubs manage to diminish the pile to under half its original size.
All quiet down at Sara's, so I guess that the lama is now sorted out. All quiet here, as we continue to endeavour to get control of the jumble beneath the tarps and as we do so, we finally feel like we have finished moving. We came here from the UK June 2008. In November 2009, we finally get all our gear into the house, well most of it apart from what is still in the awning of the kitchen caravan, which is anchoring the awning down in case we have another almighty wind come along to try and take it away with it.
It feels like we have come home. Lots to do yet. Like half of the roof is still not tiled, there are no ceilings downstairs, the walls are a mess, no windows, no doors, no loo, no proper shower. But we've moved in! Yippppeeeeee!!!!! We are still in the caravans for the winter, but hey ho: we are now finished with tarps.
What I have learnt today: that a woman needs a home to make herself feel anchored. Well this one does anyway. I hope you have a home which you love as well, and I hope you are surrounded by people who love you, even if they are living a long way away and you don't get to see them often.
You've filled my heart with joy in this post, Vera. I am so excited for you...your hard work is paying off. What a glorious feeling to start moving things into the house.
Very soon it will be a true home :) All the love you are pouring into this project is just so awe inspiring. I agree with you too, "A woman needs a home to make herself feel anchored." Beautiful.
Ahhhh, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you :)
Thank you so much for sharing your adventures always make my day!
Love and Hugs :)) Stay Warm too :)
I liked Kelly's humorous remark in a previous post that you have the most good looking messy yard - Well, no more. Things are going in the right direction for you. Congratulations! You've achived a lot in one year.
And You're so right about a woman needing "a home to make herself feel anchored"!
Congratulations! You must be thrilled to be out of that trailer!
Guys kind of like having a home too. At least this one does.
Congratulations, Vera!! What great news. You must look tremendously forward to the life sans tarps! There is progress all around you.
Perhaps the mouse was just checking it out and noting it before moving permanently on. Hey, it could happen!!
Truly, that is wonderful, and I know just what you mean about home making you feel anchored. I don't think it's a gender-specific sort of feeling. I've known some truly nomadic women, but I completely understand the feeling. My husband is much the same way. We're very home-centric. Some people are at peace living out of a suitcase, but not us.
Is there anything that might serve as a dehumidifier? I've seen such things, but never had to use one (I live in a very dry climate) but I know they exist!
Your home is well on its way to being quite lovely. It's really just wonderful to behold.
Thank you all for your responses, and I am sorry to have tardy in my response back.
Kelly, I am glad you enjoy my adventures. Sharing helps me relive them - it is so easy for things to slip away into background memories when one is leading a busy life.
Hi Duta. Have been catching up with you over at your blog, but haven't been commenting. Just to let you know that I do read what you write and that I love the photos you post about Israel.
Barry, you are such a sweet writer. I have also been catching up with your older blogs, and often pop across for a quick read. Hope your spirits are still high as you battle with your cancer.
Land of Shimp: About the mouse - it has disappeared for the moment. Perhaps it did take notice of my notice of eviction, or perhaps it doesn't like the smell of disinfectant! You sound a similar couple to us: very homey, and we like nothing else as much as sitting working quietly away at our
PC's. I don't think we need a dehumidifier. Although it rains here, the sun is very warm and everything dries out quickly. And not having any windows or doors at the moment means that the house has a through-flow of air which helps keep things dry. But thanks for popping by. Again, I do read your blogs but don't always have the words in my head to make a comment.
Blessings to you all my friends.
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